mercredi 20 avril 2011

Santana - Olympia, Paris - 1971-04-25

Carlos Santana - guitar, vocals, percussions
Neal Schon - guitar
Gregg Rolie - keyboards, vocals
David Brown - bass
Michael Shrieve - drums
Coke Escovedo - percussions
Michael Carabello - percussions
Jose "Chepito" Areas - percussions

01.Jungle Strut (fades in) (3:18)
02.Taboo (5:03)
03.Toussaint L'Overture / (6:43)
04.Evil Ways (4:33)
05.Soul Sacrifice (13:58)
06.Samba Pa Ti (4:05)
07.Black Magic Woman / Gypsy Queen (6:16)
08.Oye Como Va (4:14)
09.Jingo / Percussions solo / Jingo (reprise) (8:58)

7 commentaires:

  1. Hi, congratulations for your blog! I've added your blog on the new directory of blogs that I manage. I invite you to share links, please add me you, too:

  2. Excellent live album sound drops a couple of times but dosen't detract from an excellent show

  3. when i extract to desktop i'm only getting 1 sample song. am i doing something wrong? this just started happening recently.
    thanks zipper

  4. Hello,
    Another great recording from you. Many thanks for sharing.
    Best regards,

  5. When I extract to HD I'm only getting a sample. Any suggestion ? Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thanks for this. FYI, the link is in the Read Me file! ;)
